Merc Storia Starter Guide~
Unit Search/Lineup by Criteria
English Room(in Menu)
Miscellaneous Settings
Personal Page
How to transfer your account data
Merc Storia English Tumblr
Unit Search/Lineup by Criteria
English Room(in Menu)
Miscellaneous Settings
Personal Page
How to transfer your account data
Merc Storia English Tumblr
*The links are all in a brown colour
Welcome to all of you,readers and gamers alike to this game guide blog(kind of) of Merc Storia JP(メルクストーリア Happy Elements K.K)~~~
I'm sure that probably most of you that already like the game but still doesn't have much knowledge about the game mechanics or even the Japanese language used inside the game are dying to just figuring out how to get the best experience of it, probably without relying much on asking people in the English room(Still few people there).So,as a way to solve that problem I have made this blog in order to get you started right up to become at least a veteran and possibly attracting more new English-speaking players because hoping for an English version when the number of English-only speakers is still too few, somehow seems like it would take much longer for it to be ever implemented in the future.
So it is really good for you to learn Japanese! After all,not only you get to know the contents of the game better,you will also be able to talk and get along with other Japanese players out there while enjoying the game to its fullest.(My opinion though)
Ok,so this is the main home interface layout when you first start the game....Info:
1.Game's newsletter/updates:Gives you information about the changing events that take place in the game so you could be prepared for something like Road to Glory,Boss Raid,Advent Raid(Guild Co-op raid),etc.An important note though,I don't think I would translate much of the news so *ahem... you should really learn Japanese~(Don't think it stops right there...)
2.Spring:Gives BP Restoration,Gold,Wood,Medals with its quantity increases every 4 hours.The rate of rewards being increased is based on the Main Story and BackStage completion progress.In a recent update,your excess BP can now be transferred directly to your Guild's Basin as not to waste the remainder of it.
Well,nothing too much important here,you can just let your spring overflow all the time and only use it in important times like during the Night Phase Guild Battle.
3.Gift/Present Box:You can see and collect all of the rewards that you have acquired inside the game like Story/Guild Battle/Boss Raid/Advent Raid rewards(報酬『ほう・しゅう』).
4.Mission/Achievement:Features tasks that you can complete one-time throughout your playthrough.(Not planning to translate)
5.(イベント詳細情報『しょう・さい・じょう・ほう』)/Event's Detailed Information:This is where it shows the current event along with the information that you would want to know like new event monsters/units,Raid monster,etc.
6.(ユニット一覧『いち・らん』)/Unit Overview:This button here takes you to the unit overview screen.
7.(ダイヤショップ)/Diamond Shop:This is where you will be directed to the diamonds(*daiya) purchase screen to buy the diamonds if you ever want it though.In my opinion,you don't really ever need to purchase extra diamonds as the number of diamonds that you can get for free inside the game itself is quite enough for at least one 10x Diamond Scout per 2~3 months.*More info on acquiring diamonds later...
*As the for panels down below in the picture,Home(ホーム),Quest(クエスト),Guild(ギルド),Scout(スカウト),Menu(メニュー)....It is pretty much self-explanatory.But don't worry,I would still cover parts that might seem confusing.
1.クエスト(Quest):Shows you every quest that needs to be done,mainly by playing the Main Story until the ワイバーン(Wyvern) story.
2.ギルド(Guild):Guild-related tasks like creating a guild(once),joining a guild,contributing wood to guild facilities,etc.
3.スカウト/メダル(Scout/Medal):Scout/Medals related tasks like buying a medal-only unit once,purchasing Main Character Style/BGM once using レアメダル(Rare Medals),etc.
4.チャレンジ(Challenge):Mainly about BackStage 激ムズ『げき』(Very Hard) Boss Challenge without using ソウル系『けい』(Soul Skill).
5.ユニット(Unit):All tasks related to Units,such as reaching 15 覚醒『かく・せい』(Awakened) unit,reaching level 30~70 for 1~5 star units,etc.
6.ルーン/シード『Rune/Seed』:About rune/seed(Pet) level up tasks,etc.
7.各種操作『かく・しゅう・そう・さ』(Lit.Translation:All kinds of settings):Tasks like Room change,Giving 救援『きゅう・えん』(assistance) at Room's log,read units'/event/quest story,etc.
8.アルティメット(Ultimate Challenge):Same as the challenge tasks but this time without using both ソウル系(Soul skill) and ブレイク系(Break skill).
Layout Interface Info:
1.一覧(Overview):This button will put you into Overview mode,without making any changes.
2.強化『きょう・か』(Strengthen/Level up):This button enables you to level up your units until it reaches its maxed 0 覚醒(Awakened) level which is:
[1~5 stars:Level 30~70] and afterwards its level could only be increased through Awakening(Acquiring its copies) until 15 覚醒 where the maxed awakened level would be [1~5 stars:Level 105~145,1 覚醒= +5 Level].
Also, the number of runestones(ルーン) your unit can equip depends on it's awakened status where [1~6 覚醒=1~6 number of runestones that can be equipped].Please take note that the amount of gold required to level up increases with each level.
3.進化『しん・か』(Evolve):Enables you to evolve most 2 stars, certain 3 stars to its next evolution and increases its stars by 1.*Of course,its base and maxed stats increases according to its stars.The evolve materials(進化素材『しん・か・そ・ざい』) needed are つぼみ(Elemental Bud) and 花(Elemental Flower) which can be acquired through the Daily Quest:
月曜日(Monday):闇属性(Dark Element)
火曜日(Tuesday):炎属性(Fire Element)
水曜日(Wednesday):水属性(Water Element)
木曜日(Thursday):風属性(Wind Element)
金曜日(Friday):光属性(Light Element)
*Also don't miss the material week where the drop rates and rewards increases by 1.5 times~!
4.待機/お別れ『たい・き/お・わか・れ』(Lit.Translation:Standby/Farewell(Sell):When you click this button,two buttons would be shown and you can either choose to select units to Standby(Send to Storage) or Sell them.*Standby units can only be stored until 10 Copies!
5.表示『ひょう・じ』(Info Display):Enables you to see nearly all of the units' important stats,Pet used,Biography info,etc. without having to tap one by one.
As you can see,the seed monster overview(シードモンスター一覧)is pretty much the same as the unit overview but with:
6.売却『ばい・きゃく』(Sell):Sell any unwanted seed monster/pet.
7.外す『はず・す』(Unequip):Unequip any seed monster/pet that has been equipped to a unit.
Over here is the rune interface, well pretty much confusing enough but over time, you will get used to it~ By the way, if you need any info regarding each rune's ability just go to this Merc Storia English Wiki Rune Page.
1. パラメータ(Parameter): Includes Health Rune(First Tab), Attack Rune, Attack Speed Rune, Movement Speed Rune and Toughness/Grit Rune.
2. 属性補正(Elemental Modifier): Includes Fire Rune(First Tab), Water Rune, Wind Rune, Light Rune and Dark Rune.
3. ガード(Guard): Includes Fire Guard(First Tab), Water Guard, Wind Guard, Light Guard, Dark Guard and Rainbow Guard(All elements).
4. 職種限定(Weapon/Class Specific Rune): Includes Exant Rune(Slash, First Tab), Retract Rune(Charge/Spear), Fixate Rune(Strike), Archer Rune(Bow), Sorcery Rune(Magic), Penetrating Rune(Gun), Revive Rune(Heal) and Increase Rune(Heal).
5. コレクト(Collect): Includes Exp Collect(First Tab), Gold Collect, Rune Collect and Seed/Pet Collect.
6. 特殊(Special): Includes Knight Rune(First Tab), Healing Rune, Berserk Rune, Dodge Rune, Endurance Rune, Guts Rune and Enhancer Rune(For enhancing rune purposes only).
7. 強化素材別(Elemental Enhancing Materials Sort): Sort Runes based on their elemental enhancing materials in the order of Fire(火, First Tab), Water(水), Wind(風), Light(光) and Dark(闇).
8. 装備/外す(Equip/Unequip): Equip/Unequip the runes on a unit.First tap is Equip, second tap is Unequip.
9. 保護(Lock/Protect): Lock/Protect any rune that you need.
Unit Search/Lineup by Criteria
(Unit Search/Lineup by Criteria)
1.性別『せい・べつ』(Gender):Sort units according to gender:男『おとこ』(Boy/Men)
不明『ふ・めい』(Unknown Gender)
2.レアリティ(Rarity):Sort units based on rarity:1~5 stars.
3.属性『ぞく・せい』(Element):Sort units based on Element:
4.武器別『ぶ・き・べつ』(Weapon):Sort units based on the type of Weapons:
5.リーチ(Reach):Sort units according to its reach/range:
前衛『ぜん・えい』,Front Line(x<50)
中衛『ちゅう・えい』,Middle Line(51~150)
後衛『こう・えい』, Back Line(x>150)
6.出身別『しゅっ・しん・べつ』(Origin):Sort units based on country:
王国『おう・こく』(Kingdom/Main Country)
妖精の国『よう・せい』(Fairy Country)
機械の国『き・かい』(Machine Country)
和の国『わ』(Peace(Ninja) Country)
空の国『そら』(Sky Country)
西部の国『せい・ぶ』(Western Country)
エレキの国(Electric Country)
魔法の国『ま・ほう』(Magic Country)
恐竜の国『きょう・りゅう』(Dinosaur Country)
砂漠の国『さ・ばく』(Desert Country)
死者の国『し・しゃ』(Dead Country)
少数民族の国『しょう・すう・みん・ぞく』(Minority Country)
動物の国『どう・ぶつ』(Animal Country)
常夏の国『とこ・なつ』(Everlasting Summer Country)
植物の国『しょく・ぶつ』(Plant Country)
科学の国『か・がく』(Science Country)
お菓子の国『お・か・し』(Sweets Country)
雪の国『ゆき』(Snow Country)
7.パーティーユニット(PartyUnit):Sort units that are included in a party.*There are 15 slots for Party creation so it is recommended that you should create a suitable party for each kind of gameplay[Guild Battle/Boss Raid/Advent Raid,etc.]
8.レベル高い順『たか・い・じゅん』(Level:Descending):Sort units based on their level in a descending order{Most Highest->Lowest}.
9.攻撃力高い順『こう・げき・りょく・たか・い・じゅん』(AttackPower:Descending):Sort units based on their total AttackPower in descending order.
10.体力高い順『たい・りょく・たか・い・じゅん』(HP:Descending):Sort units based on their total HP(Health Points) in a descending order.
11.タフネス高い順『たか・い・じゅん』(Toughness:Descending):Sort units based on their total Toughness in a descending order.
12.リセット(Reset):Resets all of the criteria that was chosen/Back to default.
13.レアリティ高い/低い順『たか・い/ひく・い』:Sort units based on their rarity(Stars),高い(Descending)/低い(Ascending).
14.移動力高い順『い・どう・りょく』(Movement Speed:Descending):Sort units based on their movement speed in descending order.
15.ボーナスSP高い順(Bonus SP:Descending):Sort units based on their Bonus SP in descending order.
16.同時攻撃数多い順『どう・じ・こう・げき・すう・おお・い・じゅん』(Multi-target attack):Sort units based on their multi-target simultaneous attack ability[Currently from 1~5 targets per hit].
17.覚醒ランク順『かく・せい』(Awakening rank:Descending):Sort units based on their Awakening rank from 15~0.
18.新しい順『あたら・しい・じゅん』(New):Sort units from the newly acquired unit/copies to the oldest acquired units/copies.
19.古い順『ふる・い・じゅん』(Old):Sort units from the oldest acquired units to the newly acquired units.
20.年齢若い順『ねん・れい・わか・い・じゅん』(Age):Sort units based on their age from the youngest to the oldest and unknown age.
21.名前昇/降順『な・まえ・しょう/こう・じゅん』(Name):Sorts name according to alphabetical order[Japanese Style] 昇『しょう』(Ascending)/降『こう』(Descending)
->So this is where it shows you the Scout section where you can get your hands on 1~5 star units on a different range of scout selections.Info:
1.期間限定スカウト『き・かん・げん・てい』(Limited-time Diamond Scout):This scout can give you the current newest added units with a much higher percentage than the Normal Diamond Scout!
[New units won't be added to the Normal Diamond Scout until the end of its scout promotion rate]
*As a really important note,you should take this advantage as you see fit especially when there are good units being introduced!As for the rates,
[5 stars is usually +50%,4stars:+30%,3stars:+10%]
....Yes,only for the new units unless stated otherwise and you don't need to worry if the rates doesn't show any changes,it is just showing the default rates for Normal Diamond Scout and the promotion rates would still be applied nonetheless.
2.ダイヤスカウト(Normal Diamond Scout):Gives you all existing gold and Diamond-only units excluding the newly introduced units(refer above) with its normal rate.Which simply means it isn't recommended if you want to get a nearly guaranteed 5 stars.....
3.レア以上確定ゴルドスカウト『い・じょう・かく・てい』(Rare Gold Scout):Gives you most of the 2~4 existing gold units with its normal rate.Choose this if you want to get 2 stars copies faster as a way to get medals(メダル) .*More on collecting medals later....
4.ゴルドスカウト(Gold Scout):Gives common 1~3 stars gold units but still would be a good start to build a newbie party.This scout would be the most cost-efficient way to get 2 stars copies if you don't mind pulling a lot of times just to collect more medals through Awakening.
5.獲得できるユニット一覧『かく・とく』(Possible acquirable units):This is where you can see all of the possible units that you can acquire and check the rate for each star but the rate might not be 100% correct as it already has been stated.
2.ルーン一覧(Rune Overview):Shows all runes that you have acquired.
3.パーティ(Party):Shows you the party creation screen.
4.ユニット/モンスタ名鑑『めい・かん』(Unit/Monster Directory):Shows all already acquired units and monsters along with other information.
5.所持アイテム『しょ・じ』(Possessed Items):Shows all items that are in your possession.
6.メダル交換所『こう・かん・じょ』(Medal Exchange Place):Takes you to where you can exchange medals for medal-only units,medal lottery and mostly for the Awakening books to increase units' Awakening status.
7.ストーリー(Story):Shows you the Main/Unit/Event story that you have unlocked.
8.ダイヤショップ(Diamond Shop):Shows you to the diamond purchase screen.
9.各種設定『かく・しゅ・せっ・てい』(Miscellaneous Settings):Shows you all kinds of settings for Quest,Room Log,Performance,etc.
10.ヘルプ(Help/FAQ):Shows you the FAQ, in order for you to start knowing the game much more better.....if you already are learning Japanese that is....
11.お問い合わせ『お・と・い・あ・わせ』(Support):In case you have any problems with any parts of the game like Unit Scout error,etc. then you can use this to send an email concerning the problem to the support staff of the game.
12.ルーム(Room):Shows you all of the available chat rooms and especially the English Room;Use the デフォルト(Default) settings to search for the English Room.You can see all of the chats in each room without following them though so choose your own preferred chat room.By the way,if you want to collect your Daily Assistance(救援)rewards,チェックルーム is currently the most populated room so you might want to follow this room;Use the フォロワーが多い順(Room Popularity) settings.
13.個人ページ『こ・じん』(Personal Page):Shows your personal page,characters and other info(Scroll down below~).
14.キャンペーン(Campaign):Shows current ongoing campaigns that give gold,diamonds,units,etc. by entering certain codes.
15.Lobi(Video):Shows you to a third-party video app where you can see a lot of MercStoria related videos which of course,most of them are in Japanese~~~
16.広場『ひろ・ば』(Leisure room):Shows you the lounge room of units,nothing special here except probably as a way to relax a bit and see all of your units walking around.
Miscellaneous Settings
(Miscellaneous Settings)
1.音楽『おん・がく』(Music Volume):Enables to control the music/BGM volume.
2.効果音『こう・か・おん』(Effect Volume):Enables to control the tapping effect volume.
3.画面回転『が・めん・かい・てん』(Screen Rotation):Enables to control whether the screen should rotate.
4.フルスクリーン(Fullscreen):Enables fullscreen.
5.タップエフェクト(Tap Effect):Enable or disable tap effects.
6.メッセージ高速化『こう・そく・か』(Message Speed):Enables to control the speed of message being displayed.
7.省電力モード『でん・しょう・りょく』(Battery-saving Mode):Enables the game to enter battery-saving mode.
8.スクロールバーのジャンプ機能『き・のう』(Scroll Jump Function):Enable or disable the scroll jump function.
9.ストーリ救援『きゅう・えん』(Story Assistance):Enable or disable story units' assistance during quest.
10.仲間救援『なか・ま・きゅう・えん』(Comrades Assistance):Enables your own units' assistance during a quest.
11.ユーザー救援『きゅう・えん』(User/Player Assistance):Enables other players to send assist units during a quest.
12.クエスト自動高速『じ・どう・こう・そく』(Quest Automatic Speed):Enables to control the game speed during a quest.
13.エフェクト軽減『けい・げん』(Effect Reduction):Enable or disable effects' reduction settings.
14.仲間救援固定『なか・ま・きゅう・えん・こ・てい』(Comrades Assistance Fixation):Enables to control the rate of comrades' assistance.
15.連続GutsUp『れん・ぞく』(Continuous GutsUp):Enables continuous GutsUp when you long tap a unit's icon during battle.Can be set to push as long as 0.5~1.5 sec.
16.後退待機後の攻撃開始位置『こ・たい・たい・き・ご・の・こう・げき・かい・し・い・ち』(Retreat Settings):Enables to control the positioning of retreated units(Not necessarily out of HP) to start attack/heal.Turning on would mean it will start to attack/heal as long as the unit is within its range.
17.クエスト中の吹き出しの位置『なか・の・ふ・き・だ・し・の・い・ち』(Buffs Panel):Enables to control the buffs display panel,
通常『つう・じょう』(Usual):Displays buffs above the units' head.
パネル上『うえ』(Above panel):Displays buffs above the units' panel.
なし(None):Doesn't display buffs at all but the buffs' effects will still be applied during the quest.
18.ギルド自動高速『じ・どう・こう・そく』(Guild Automatic Speed):Enables to control the speed during Guild Battle.
19.祈り/応援の演出をスキップ『いの・り/おう・えん、の、えん・しゅつ』(Prayer/Cheer Skip):Enable or disable the prayer/cheer skip function.
21.観戦者コメントを表示『こう・せん・しゃ、コメントを、ひょう・じ』(Spectators Comment Display):Enable or disable the spectators' comments display.(During Guild Tournament only.)
Personal Page
(Personal Page)
1.ユーザー名を変更する『へん・こう・する』(Username Change):Enables you to change your name at least once a month.
2.機種変更用パスワード設定(Cross-device password settings):Enables you to set your preferred password(パスワード) and simply use it whenever you change devices,like from Android to IOS.*Please remember the unique ID(機種変更コード) that have been given to you too![Refer to the picture below]
3.お気に入りユーザー一覧(Favourited Users):Shows your already favourited users.
4.キャッシュクリア(Clear Cache):Enables you to clear ALL of the game's cache which will make your account data DISAPPEAR from your phone(not web) and allows you to start fresh again.
Of course,if you put in your password,you can gain access back to your past account but it is usually 1 account for 1 phone so please be CAUTIOUS!
5.ユーザー検索『けん・さく』(User Search):Enables you to search for other users using their given user's code.
6.ブロックユーザー一覧(Blocked User Overview):Shows your already blocked users.
7.検索コード(Search Code):Shows your given user's code for other people to search for you.
8.(Personal Introduction):Here you can write anything(Any language of course) as an introduction of yourself.
*In case you're wondering how to transfer your account data:
1.Go to the main screen of MercStoria(The screen before you tap play)
2.Tap the 機種変更コード(Far-left,Red coloured)
3.Put in your given code/Unique ID(機種変更コード) along with your
password(パスワード) and you're done!
Now,for the most important part...... learn the new Japanese words for your own convenience if you are seriously playing this game or/and seriously wants to study Japanese anyways~
*You can use a dictionary like Jisho and a database like alc for your common Japanese sentences or phrases.
How to put the password? Where's I must put it? Thank you
ReplyDeleteIn case you're wondering how to transfer your account data:
Delete1.Go to the main screen of MercStoria(The screen before you tap play)
2.Tap the 機種変更コード(Far-left,Red coloured)
3.Now,put in your given code/Unique ID(機種変更コード) along with your
password and you're done!
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